BJP leader Archana Patil Chakurkar addressed traffic chaos in Maharashtra's Latur city by submitting a memorandum to the local police. She highlighted issues like faulty signals and unorganized ...
Amit, three-term Congress MLA and torch bearer of the Deshmukh legacy in Marathwada, is facing BJP candidate Archana Patil Chakurkar, daughter-in-law of Shivraj Patil Chakurkar, former union home ...
BJP leader Archana Patil Chakurkar on Tuesday submitted a memorandum to the police highlighting traffic woes in major areas of Maharashtra’s Latur city, especially near coaching centres. In a ...
Addressing the gathering, C.R. Patil highlighted the importance of embracing modern infrastructure to strengthen BJP's grassroots presence and emphasised that the Vadodara office, one of the top ...