The company owned by Asia's richest person is set to launch 7-Eleven convenience stores across India. The retail arm of Mukesh Ambani's Reliance Industries says it will open its first store in ...
Twenty-Four Seven Retail Stores Pvt Ltd, that so far had a roller coaster ride since its inception in 2006, is now vying to become India’s answer to 7-Eleven riding on a burgeoning younger ...
Southland Corporation, the Dallas-based operator of 7-Eleven then facing rumours of a Canadian takeover attempt, announced ...
He was one of the top students in India but long hours working at 7-Eleven drove him to the brink. He was living and studying in Geelong and his boss at 7-Eleven took a second store in South Yarra ...
The company charges $399 per month, and employs remote workers in India to monitor footage 24/7, according to a sales email viewed by VICE. The company lists 7-Eleven, Dairy Queen, Holiday Inn ...