Vidyasagar School Indore, established in 1991, is a leading CBSE boarding and day school in Madhya Pradesh. Set amidst the vibrant city of Indore, the school nurtures the talents of its students, …
Vidyasagar School Indore, established in 1991, is a leading CBSE boarding and day school in Madhya Pradesh. Set amidst the vibrant city of Indore, the school nurtures the talents of its students, empowering them to achieve their aspirations. Known as the Best CBSE School of Indore and one of the Top Schools in Madhya Pradesh, Vidyasagar School provides a holistic learning experience with modern facilities. With a focus on academic excellence and all-around development, the school aims to shape confident and successful individuals. Join the Vidyasagar family to embark on a transformative educational journey that empowers every child to excel in their chosen path.